My February 2024 Calendar

Liam's February 2024 Calendar

This month I am on the road more often than I am at home as the Celtic Festival season kicks into high gear. For only the second time in 14 years, the Tallahassee Scottish Festival is back on the map with two days of Caledonian athletics and culture. The following week you will find me at the new Scottish Highland Games & Celtic Festival near Sarasota and Bradenton. On the other side of the state, I’ll be attending Jacksonville’s Northeast Florida Scottish Games. Over the past several decades, it has grown into one of the state’s premier Highland events.

Looking for something new? Check out the amazing Asheville Celtic Festival. Only in its fourth year, the indoor event is a fresh way to enjoy Scottish heritage (and writing and food and music and whisky) while staying nice, dry and warm! Plus, it’s an excuse to spend a weekend in Asheville, so what’s not to love?

In the few moments I am at home, I will be working on my news series of travel guide books — Haunts & Hollows. The guides should be launching soon with a look at Back Roads Georgia.

Love a good murder? Be sure to take a stab at Thou Shalt Not Kilt, a traditional Southern whodunnit with Scottish flavor. For my latest news and updates, follow me on Instagram and TikTok. Sign up for Fatal Fiction, my monthly mystery newsletter, and you’ll get a free download of Masters of Murder, my concise guide to the authors of mystery’s Golden Age.

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